AWAS-Portraits of Afghan Women: Continuing the Journey

Dear readers,

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support, comments, likes, and shares of my blog. It has been a truly wonderful experience for me to meet so many inspiring women who have integrated into Switzerland and have success stories to share. I have always been deeply inspired by the success stories of Afghan women and have found great motivation in them.

I have constantly searched for role models within our community who have achieved something extraordinary in life through strength, resilience, and perseverance. Today, I am extremely grateful to HSLU Lucerne for providing me with the opportunity to do something I have always wanted. I challenged myself, stood in front of the camera, and interviewed women whom I consider as sources of inspiration. It was not an easy task for me, as I was quite nervous since I had never done something like this before. However, through the stories of these women, I learned a great deal and my interest was further ignited, prompting me to continue this work.

In my second series, I will focus on inspiring women who have acquired a profession in Afghanistan, actively advocated for women’s rights, or have an academic background. In Switzerland, they were compelled to start anew. These women have given up everything and embarked on a journey filled with motivation, patience, and curiosity. I will share their stories through the AWAS website and AWAS YouTube channel.

If you are still interested in my work, please stay tuned, as the journey has only just begun. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude once again to all the women who generously agreed to be interviewed.

AWAS represents the voice, and I aim to contribute to sharing the voices of Afghan women through this platform.

Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,


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AWAS-Portraits of Afghan Women: Homayra Danishyar-Sajjadi